Plenary Talk: A Vision on Explainable Artificial Intelligence through the Lens of our Past, Present and Future Activities
Carlos Peña
Head of the Computational Intelligence for Computational Biology group // CI4CB
Group Leader at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics // SIB
Head Biomedical Applications domain
Institute for Information and Communication Technologies // IICT
School of Business and Engineering Vaud // HEIG-VD
University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland // HES-SO
Full professor in computer engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland at the Yverdon site (HEIG-VD). Leader of the Biomedical Applications Axis at the ICT department which belongs to the Health, Engineering and Economics (HEE) group.

Plenary Talk: Monitoring and Security for IoT/IoV Networks: Challenges and Optimisation
Abderrahim Benslimane
Abderrahim Benslimane is Full Professor of Computer-Science at the Avignon University/France since 2001. He has the French award for Doctoral supervision and Research 2017-2021. He has been recently an International Expert at the French Ministry of Foreign and European affairs (2012-2016). He served as a coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering and head of the Research Center in Informatics at the French University in Egypt. He was attributed the French award of Scientific Excellency (2011-2014). He has been as Associate Professor at the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard since September 1994. He obtained the title to supervise researches (HDR 2000) from the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France.

Plenary Talk: 6G: Vision, Requirements, Technical Challenges, Standardization & Implementations
Shahid Mumtaz
Rao Shahid Mumtaz is an IET Fellow, IEEE ComSoc and ACM Distinguished speaker, recipient of IEEE ComSoC Young Researcher Award, founder and EiC of IET «Journal of Quantum communication,» EiC of Alexandria Engineering Journal – Elsevier, Vice-Chair: Europe/Africa Region- IEEE ComSoc: Green Communications & Computing society and Vice-chair for IEEE standard on P1932.1: Standard for Licensed/Unlicensed Spectrum Interoperability in Wireless Mobile Networks. His work resulted in technology transfer to companies and patented technology. Moreover, he is also a Senior 5G Consultant at Huawei, Sweden, where he contributed to RAN1/RAN2. He has more than 15 years of wireless industry/academic experience. He has received his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, and University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. From 2002 to 2003, he worked for Pak Telecom as System Engineer and from 2005 to 2006 for Ericsson and Huawei at Research Labs in Sweden. He has been with Instituto de Telecomunicações since 2011, where he currently holds the position of Principal Researcher and adjunct positions with several universities across the Europe-Asian Region. He is the author of 4 technical books, 12 book chapters, 250+ technical papers (170+ Journals and Transactions, 90+ Conferences, 2 IEEE best paper awards in the area of mobile communications. He has been supervising/co-supervising several Ph.D. and Master Students. He uses mathematical and system-level tools to model and analyzes emerging wireless communication architectures, leading to innovative Master’s theoretically optimal new communication techniques. He is working closely with leading R&D groups in the industry to transition these ideas to practice. He has secured the funding of around 2M Euro. His research has influenced international wireless standard bodies (i.e., IEEE and 3GPP), and major manufacturers have also represented his work in LTE release 12 onwards, including 5G NR. He has organized 20 workshops as Chair in IEEE prestigious conference, 22 special Issues as Lead Guest Editor of IEEE Communication, Wireless Magazine, and JSAC and Transaction on Vehicular Technology. Dr. Mumtaz is also the Associate Editor of several IEEE Journals, Communication Magazine, Wireless Magazine, Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Transactions on Communication, and IoT Journals. In 2013, he was Co-General Chair in the 8th International Wireless Internet Conference – Symposium on Wireless and Vehicular Communication organized in Lisbon by IEEE and EAI societies. Moreover, he will also be a General Chair for IEEE CAMAD 2021 in Porto, Portugal. He has been giving invited tutorials/talks in IEEE conferences and the mobile industry and invited lectures in different foreign universities. He serves as Scientific Expert and Evaluator for Research Funding Agencies, such as EU, COST, and NSF China. He was awarded an «Alain Bensoussan fellowship «in 2012. He is the recipient of the NSFC Visiting Researcher Fund for Young Scientist in 2017 from China.

Talk: Industrial Internet of Things
George Proeller
Thirty-plus years’ experience in Information Technology Systems (ITS) focusing on life-cycle Information Assurance/Computer Network Security for the Enterprise. He holds multiple security certifications including the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential, the Certified Information Security Manager, and the GIAC Security Leadership Certification and Certified Information Forensics Investigator and is a pioneer in the transition of information security to academia. His awards include being named a Distinguished Fellow of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) and to the ISSA Hall of Fame.